
Part I. Formation 1. Searching and Planning

9. Day laborers in agricultural servitude.

10. John Mason Hart. Empire and Revolution: The American in Mexico since the Civil War. Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002.

11. Benj. M. Massey and C. L. Gilbert. Massey-Gilbert Blue Book of Mexico City, The Massey-Gilbert Company, Sucs. Mexico City, D. F. Mexico, 1901.

12. James Creelman, President Diaz Hero of the Americas," Interview with President Portofio Diaz, Pearson's, March 1908,

13. George E. Blalock, 1925 Affidavit. See note 1 above.

14. Wesley Ricks, 1926 Affidavit, Records of the Special Mexican Claims Commission, RG 76, 125, Case Files for United States Claimants 1924-36, National Archives at College Park, MD.

15. George E. Blalock, 1925 Affidavit. See note 1 above.

16. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Investigation of Mexican Affairs: Blalock testimony before a Subcommittee of Committee of Foreign Relations 66th Cong., 2nd Sess., Pursuant to S. Res. 106, Part 8, 979-993. San Antonio, Texas, January 14, 1920,

17. George E. Blalock, 1925 Affidavit. See note 1 above.

18. "Blalock has a big scheme," Mangum Sun-Monitor, July 10, 1902.

19. Wesley Ricks, 1926. See note 14 above.

20. Mangum (OT.) Sun-Monitor, July 10, 1902. See note 18 above.

21. "About the Mexican colony," Mangum Sun-Monitor, July 24, 1902, vol. 12:1, No 30.

22. Mangum Sun-Monitor, July 24, 1902. See note 21 above.
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