
Part I. Formation 1. Searching and Planning

39. Mangum Sun-Monitor, August 28, 1902. 40. G. B. Townsend letter to the Mangum Sun-Monitor on September 2, 1902.

41. "From Blalock," Mangum Star, September 18, 1902, vol. 15.

42. "From Montezuma land," Mangum Star, January 15, 1903, vol. 15: 1, No 28

  2. El Chamal

1. “From Montezuma land,” Mangum Star, January 15, 1903, vol. 15: 1, No 28.

2. George E. Blalock, 1925 Affidavit, Records of the Special Mexican Claims Commission, RG 76, 136, Miscellaneous Correspondence of the Agency of the United States 1924-36, McConnell File, National Archives at College Park, MD.

3. A copy of the original letter from Attorney Rafael Pardo in Mexico City on January 13, 1903, to Mr. Blalock and Mr. Ingram on the El Chamal Hacienda title search.

4. Lewis Sweet, Editor. Chamal Record, May 1, 1912.

5. Benj. M. Massey and C. L. Gilbert. Massey-Gilbert Blue Book of Mexico City. The Massey-Gilbert Company, Sucs. Mexico City, D. F. Mexico, 1903, 260.

6. George P. Taylor “The Blalock Mexico Colony”, unpublished original hand written 1970’s manuscript.

7. “The Mexico Fever,” Mangum Sun-Monitor, October 30, 1902, vol. 12, No 44.

  3. The Blalock Mexico Colony Stock Corporation

1.“The Mexico Fever,” Mangum Sun-Monitor, October 30, 1902, vol. 12, No 44.
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