Here is the deal as closed finally.
I make a deposit of $6,000 as guarantee; pay $24,000 more in 60 days if title is found perfect, $25,000 in two years with interest at 6 per cent gold. I make the deferred payment of $24,000 as I did, not wanting our people to be cramped, and possibly have some hardships when a little time would prevent. We get 197,000 acres, 200 cattle, 30 or 40 mules, 15 or 20 horses, 300 sheep and goats. There are 15 to 25 miles fencing, some wire and some rock, one stone house, four rooms; five doby [sic adobe] with three rooms each; five with two rooms each; eight or ten with one room, most of them real good houses - not shacks. I think our colony can easily be housed until we know where the railroad is going to strike us, or until the people make their selections for farms, if they prefer to go out and live on the farms. Have talked to railroad people here since my return, they say there is no doubt but the Central will build out to Ocampo, six miles beyond us, in fact say they now have to after getting the concession, even if it was not to their interest to do so, and I see no way for them to miss our place. Their contract I learn is, the road is to be completed to Ocampo in two years, but is to be completed to a point within 12 miles of us next April.

I learn since my return that there is a sugar mill on the place but I heard nothing of it while out there. Sugar cane grows to perfection on the land, saw some eight or ten feet high. There is plenty water for irrigation, but none prepared now, but the ditch has been run and dam was built but not used, this is on a small stream; plenty nice falls for machinery and lots of good timber, it is a great deal better bargain than the Tanchichine, even if there was the amount of land they claim.

As soon as the deposit is made the bank will at once go to work and get up title, and say Joe in what name shall title be made? Do not fail to attend to this. Write me at Rascon as soon you receive this. Am quite well and feel good, am in fine spirits.

Geo. E. Blalock

Mr. Blalock waited to hear from Mr. Sweet on the status of the deposit and on the name that should be on the title. His mailing address was in the town of Rascon located in the state of San Luis Potosí only forty-nine miles from El Chamal in the state of Tamaulipas. Mr. Blalock hired two attorneys, Mr. Fernando Lachica Flores in Tampico, Tamaulipas, and Mr. Rafael Pardo, in Mexico City to assist with the purchase.

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