Appendix D: The Blalock Mexico Colony By-Laws Adopted November 15, 1902.
Article 4: Regular sessions of the Administrative Council shall take place immediately after the end of the annual stockholders meeting, and also on the first Saturday of each month at ten o'clock A.M. These meetings shall be held in the office of the corporation, or at its branch office situated in Chamal, State of Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Article 5: Special sessions of the Administrative Council may be called by the President at any time by means of a written or printed notice sent by mail to each one of the Directors, setting forth the date, place and reason for the session, with as least one day's notice.
Article 6: At all the regular or special sessions of the Administrative Council a majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a minority number may reset the meeting to another day and time.
Article 7: At each regular annual meeting of the stockholders, the Administrative Council shall present a general status report covering the business for the previous year, as well as a financial report for the corporation.
Part III:
Corporate Capital
Article 1: The capital of the corporation shall be divided into 2000 shares with a value of fifty dollars each.
Article 2: All stock certificates shall signed by the President and Secretary, affixing thereon the seal of the corporation.
Article 3: Corporate shares may be transferred by delivering the endorsed certificate to the Secretary for cancellation and issue of a new certificate.
Article 4: Any stockholder who fails to meet any exhibition (payment of an installment) which may be declared against his shares for sixty days after having been demanded will be notified in writing or in print by the Secretary, delivered personally or by certified United States Mail. In said notice will be stated the amount of indebtedness, and he will be advised that if he does not cover the debt within a period of 60 days following the date on which the notice was nailed, his shares will lapse. If the delinquent stockholder fails to pay the full amount of his indebtedness

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