Appendix D: The Blalock Mexico Colony By-Laws Adopted November 15, 1902.
Article 1: These by-laws or any one of its articles may be changed, amended, added to, or revoked at any stockholder meeting, provided that said change had been proposed and recorded at the previous session.
Part VI:
Any person may become a member of this corporation upon selection by the Administrative Council for the purchase of five shares of the corporate stock. Stock shall be sold only in quantities of five, ten, fifteen, and 20 shares. All stockholders shall be required to establish residence on the lands owned by the corporation.
Part VII:
Duties of Officers
Article 1: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all sessions of the Administrative Council as well as the general meeting of stockholders and to discharge those other functions which may be established by the Directors.
Article 2: For want or absence of the President, the Vice-President will perform the obligations that correspond to the former.
Article 3: The Secretary transcribes the minutes of the Board of Director meetings in the corporation book that exist for this purpose.
Will receive and maintain a ledger of all the amounts paid to the corporation and then turn over these collections to the Treasurer requesting a receipt for them.
It will also be the obligation of the Treasurer [sic - probably the Secretary] to take the correspondence of the corporation.
Article 4: It will be the obligation of the Treasurer to receive from the Secretary the corporation funds and to distribute the minutes conforming to the directions received from the Board of Directors and through orders signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the President.

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