Appendix E: 1903 Petition
Articles of Incorporation
Know all men by these presents:
That, we whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the provisions of the laws of the Territory of Oklahoma and for that purpose state:
FIRST—The name of this corporation shall be The Blalock Mexico Colony.
SECOND—The purposes for which this corporation is formed are as follows: to buy and sell farming and grazing lands, and to rent, lease and sub lease the same; to contract for the surveying and platting of lands and townsites and for the sale of the same; to handle and dispose of real estate on commission; to borrow money pledging real estate of personal security therefore; to construct electric light and power plants, and to own and operate the same; to buy, sell, own and deal in cattle, horses and other live stock; to mill and store rice, cotton, corn, pepper, and other agricultural products and to buy, sell and deal in the same; and to do all things whatsoever that it might or could do by virtue of the laws of the Territory of Oklahoma.
THIRD—The principal place of business of this corporation shall be at MANGUM OKLAHOMA TERRRITORY, and a branch office may be maintained in OCAMPO, MEXICO, and in such other places as the directors may from time to time determine; and the meeting of the stockholders and directors may be held at such branch office or offices thus established.
FOURTH--The term for which this corporation shall exist shall be twenty years.
FIFTH-- The capital stock of this corporation shall be One hundred thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, divided into Two thousand shares of Fifty $50 Dollars.
SIXTH—There shall be eleven directors of this corporation, and the following named share-holders shall constitute a board of directors. --J.L. Sweet, G.T. Ingram, S. C. Talley, C. C. Rogers, W. O. Byers, Geo. E. Blalock, Joe Miller, M. L. Childress, Wesley Ricks, Geo. R. Moore and G. B. Parmer.
In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands at Mangum, Oklahoma Territory, this 25th day of October, 1902. (Signed:)

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