Appendix H: Blalock Mexico Colony Concessions Contract with the Republic of Mexico on July 18, 1903.
"Art. 4. The Company dealership must prove before the Secretary of Fomento said establishment, with certificates that to this end grant the political authorities of the locality or the special Agents the Government names to inspect the colonies.
"Art. 5. A family will be understood to be-
"I. A husband and wife, with or without children.
"II. A father or mother with one or more descendants, subject to parental authority.
"III. Brothers and sisters, one being of age and the other or others minor
"Art. 6. It is understood by family established who has built their house and begun to cultivate their land and has stayed one year in the area designated for a colony. Without duty that are destined to the same colony enter into the Republic, or the Mexicanos who in it [colony] establish themselves, will enjoy the exemption that was granted in article 16 of this contract, in section III, always to have the certificate that refers to article 5 and 6 of the law of colonization. The company is obligated to prove before the Secretary of Fomento, that the foreign settlers have been established in the colony for the required term that makes the first part of this article, under the understanding that if it is not verified, then they will pay the Government the duties that would have been due from the settler.
"Art. 7. The company obliges itself to sell or give to each family one or more of the plots for cultivation referred to by article 2 of the concession, as well as a site for a residence, with the understanding that the plot for cultivation will be of a minimum area of ten hectares, and the residence site will have a minimum area of two thousand meters.
"Art. 8. The concessionaire company obliges itself to deliver to the head of each family a provisional title deed to the plot of land for cultivation and the house site assigned to him, said head of a family being obliged to cultivate the former for five years in order to obtain the title deed in fee simple; save in the event of the colonist preferring to pay to the company the price of the land, for then the company may at once execute the deed of sale without the limitation above referred to.
"Art. 9 It is the responsibility of the same Company to transport the settlers to the place where they come to settle; right is granted to make use of the steamship lines and railroads subsidized, enjoying discounts provided to each other in their respective contracts. In effect, the licensee seeks to case the relevant orders of the Secretary of Promotion.

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