Appendix H: Blalock Mexico Colony Concessions Contract with the Republic of Mexico on July 18, 1903.
"V. Exemption from the fees on the legalization of signatures and the issuance of passports made out by consular agents to individuals coming to the Republic to join the colony.
"Art. 17. The settlers will be considered with all rights and obligations as Mexicans and foreigners in their case, granted or imposed by the Federal Constitution, however enjoying temporary exemptions listed in the article above, and that gives them the Homestead Act; but in all issues that arise of the kind that may they will be subject to decisions of the courts of the Republic without being able to try other resources that conferred by the laws to Mexicans.
"General Compliances"
"Art. 18. Introductions referred to in Article 16 of this agreement, will be made in accordance with the preventions of the Rules of June 17, 1889 and stipulated in Article 6 of this contract.
"Art. 19. That the Company does not have at any time any right to claim from the Federal Government subvention or premiums in cash or land for immigrants who enter under this contract
"Art. 20. The Company and its legal successor concessionaire will be always considered as Mexicans in what relates to this contract even if all or any of its members were foreigners and are subject to the jurisdiction of judges and tribunals of the Republic in all businesses whose cause and action takes place within its territory.
Never be able to claim matters related to this contract with any foreign law in any form whatsoever and would have only the rights and means to assert the laws of the Republic granted to Mexicans, and can not therefore have any interference by foreign diplomatic agents in such matters.
"Art. 21. This contract will remain ineffectual, for not depositing two thousand dollars within the period stipulated in article 14 and expire on the following grounds:
"I. For failing to file the dealer level and expert opinion that the article speaks within the agreed time.
'II. For families not establish the number and time-two states in Article 3 °.
"III. Not to give the settlers, by cession or sale free lots referred to in Article 7 and in the manner stated in Article 8.
"IV. For presenter or regarded as settlers or their operators or laborers.
"V. Not to make available to the Government, within eighteen months from the promulgation of the contract, many batches of ten hectares cultivation has yielded few batches to foreign settlers on the grounds referred to in Article 3 "in that I agree with the said lots shall be alternated with

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