Appendix B: A Letter from Rafael Pardo to G. Blalock and G. T. Ingram on January 13, 1903.

Mexico, January 13th. 1903

Messers. Geo. E. Blalock and G. T. Ingram,
                        C i t y.

Dear Sirs:-

You have been pleased to consult my opinion as to whether the titles cover­ing the property of the lands of "El Chamal" are perfect, and to that purpose and as per your instructions said titles were delivered to me by Notary Public Mr. Gil Mariano Leon.

The lands of the Hacienda (farm) of "Chamal" were sold by the Nation during the Spanish Government in Mexico, through different concessions, which were granted by the Vice-Roy Don Diego Fernandez de Cordoba to Domingo Hemandez Prieto, to Juan Figueroa, to Pedro Espinosa de los Monteros, to Alonso de Campa and to Antonio Fernandez de Tavera, during the years 1613 to 1617, the latter having paid to the Royal Treasury the amount of the price of the respective lands titled to them. Rights to this property were strengthened by the judicial possession which was given to them by order of the Royal Court, as well as the correspond­ing order of the Viceroy, in the year 1801.

Due to quite a number of transfers, the lands passed through the hands of different owners and finally they became the property of Don Juan Goribar and his wife, Mrs. Maria Musquiz, motherly grand-parents of Don Pablo and of Don Luis Ibarra y Goribar, who through inheritance of the former, acquired the lands of "El Chamal."

Mesrs. Ibarra and Goribar in conjuction with their father Mr. Pablo de Ibarra formed a civil partnership through public deed drawn up in the City of San Luis Potos í before the Notary Mr. Isidro Carvillo under date September 25th, 1877, and among the properties which formed the social capital is "El Chamal", considered with a value of $30,000.00 Mexican and with an extension of 33 sides de ganado mayor, more or less 134,256 acres.

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