Appendix B: A Letter from Rafael Pardo to G. Blalock and G. T. Ingram on January 13, 1903.

Subsequently Mr. Pablo de Ibarra by the deed of August 20th, 1884, issued in the above city before Notary Mr. Antonio de P. Nieto sold the part (representation) which he had in said partnership to Mr. Cruz Garcia Rojas; but due to some mis­understanding having arisen among the partners, in order to settle them they agreed to submit to a court of arbitarators, which was terminated by the decision given on the 20th of November, 1885, in which the rights that each and every one of the partners had in said company were punctally and clearly set forth and consequently in the lands of "El Chamal," which as stated above, formed part of the social capital.

The rights corresponding to Messrs, Pablo and Don Luis Ibarra and Goribar, and which were acknowledged by said decision, were also ceded to Don Cruz Garcia Rojas by deed which they respectively granted in the City of San Luis Potosí, before Notary Public Mr. Mariano Palau, under date of December 15th, 1885 and on the 18th of the same month.

When Mr. Garcia Rojas became the proprieter of the lands "El Chamal, " he then requested a loan from the International Mortgage Bank of Mexico for the pur­pose of increasing the development of his business; and as his request was granted, Garcias Rojas entered into a contract with Mr. Jose de Teresa Miranda, President of said Bank, by virtue of which Mr. Garcia Rojas mortgaged to the Bank, the farm "El Chamal" for the amount of $50, 000. 00 Mexican which were secured with the first lien upon the said property, and so it appears in the deed granted in this city beofre the Notary Public Mr. Gil Mariano Leon on February 7th, 1891, and which was recorded in Santa Barbara on March 5th of the same year; it showing in this deed that the superficial space of the lands in question is of 70, 663 Hectares, 29 baras, 2 centares, more or less. 174,544.81 acres, which boundaries are: toward the North, with lands of La Mission, Eicon del Tigre and Joya de Salas; toward the South, with the ranch "El Pachon," ranch of "La Roncha," and of Guadalupe; toward the East, with Paso del Rio Frio, Guadalupe Ranch, Riachuelo, Ojo de Agua de Belem, San Rafael Ranch and Ojo de Agua del Monte; and by the West, with Nuevo Morelos, ranch of Los Gatos, of Palo Blanco, de la Puente, de la Union de la Muralla, and Ejidos (city lands) of the Municipality of Santa Barbara.

As Mr. Garcia Rojas did not fulfill the stipulations set forth in the proceeding mortgage contract by his not paying four of the quarterly payments to which he was bound (compromised), the international Mortgage Bank of Mexico took the necessary steps to sell the "El Chamal" at a public auction; and after the formalities provided by the law were observed and with the respective substantiation, the seconc Civil Judge of this Capital, in default of the debtor

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