Appendix B: A Letter from Rafael Pardo to G. Blalock and G. T. Ingram on January 13, 1903.
Mr. Cruz Garcia Rojas, issued the corresponding deed of adjucation in favor of said Bank on November 6th, 1894, aefors the Notary Mr. Gil Mariano Leon, crediting the debtor with the sum of sixty thousand dollars, price of the adjudicafcion and reserving his rights for the amount inpaid of the responsibilities of the former. In this deed the same boundaries as those above mentioned have been set forth, and an extension of forty one sitios de ^"anado mayor have been given to the property, it being included within the same ranch of "La Bouguilla" and the adjoining ranches denominated: "Zamora," "La Cabra, " "San Juan, " "Pachoncita, ", "San Antonio de las Huertas," "Comaje", "Las •^nimas, " "Coahuila, " "El Guayabo", and "Charco Largo."
The documents proving the transfer of the property since the first owners up to Mr. Juan Goribar and his wife, Mrs. Maria Musquiz, are found in a bounded book, ;ogether with the titles, which I have not gone into in a very thorough manner, as a scrupolous examination would require many days labor both because same is quite large and it is written with a letter of very ancient form and hard to read; and f'urther because such an examination in my opinion is not absolutely necessary, for; the reason that I take into consideration the fact that the title by virtue of which Messrs. Ibarra and Goribar were the possessors, has a back date of twenty years without interruption whatever in the possession, for which, and even supposing that the foregoing titles may have some defect, this would have been over come by the statute of limitation having run over. Therefore it will be only necessary to more carefully revise the documents proving the transfer of the property since Messrs. Ibarra y Goribar to the actual owners and possessors.
Among the documents which I have had before me, I do not see the deed of division and partition of the property of Jan Goribar and his wife Mrs. Maria Musquiz; but there is no reason to doubt that such deed was granted and correspond ing certified copies (testimonies) of the same were issued, as it appears that Mr. Luis Ibarra Y Goribar exhibited the certified copy of said deed at the time he entered into the contract of sale of his rights with Mr. Garcia Rojas.
There is also no record of the deeds ever having been recorded by which. Garcia Rojas acquired the rights of Don Pablo and Do Leon Ibarra y Goribar; but I believe that it can be affirmed that this recording was not overlooked, for the reason that in the deed of adjudication granted to the Bank, it is stated that one of the deeds to which I refer was recorded in Santa Barbara on the 12th of February 1886.