A Spanish version of the charter was found in a document containing hand written Spanish translations and descriptions of the original English certified copies of the Blalock Mexico Colony By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation, and Charter.[5] The purpose of the compiled Spanish document was to establish the Blalock Mexico Colony as a legal corporation in the Republic of Mexico and to comply with the provisions of Article 24 of the Mexican Code of Commerce. In this endeavor, Attorney Rafael Pardo represented the colony in Mexico City’s courts of law. The translation of the Spanish copy of the Blalock Mexico Colony Charter is presented below:[6]

Charter Territory of Oklahoma
Work Conquers All
(Grand Seal of the Territory of Oklahoma)

To all to whom this is presented will see,
It is hereby affirmed that J. L Sweet, G. T. Ingram, S. C. Tally, C. C. Rogers, W. O. Byers, Geo. E. Blalock, Joe Miller, M.L. Childress, Wesley Ricks, Geo. R. Moore, and G. B. Palmer, all of Mangum, O. T., have deposited in the office of the Secretary of the Territory of Oklahoma, certain articles or by-laws for the purpose of organizing a corporation, to be titled "The Blalock Mexico Colony," with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, with the objective of buying and selling of farm and grazing land, the leasing and sub-leasing of the same, contracting for surveys and plan maps, erecting buildings and the sale of same, managing and disposing of real estate on commission, lending money on mortgages or personal guarantee, installing electric plants for power and managing them; buying, selling and dealing in cattle, horses and other livestock; constructing gins and storage facilities for rice, cotton, corn, pepper, and other agricultural products, as well as the buying and selling of same.

The duration of this corporation shall be twenty years and the headquarters for its main business shall be Mangum, Oklahoma Territory.

The requirements of law having been fulfilled, the Territory of Oklahoma grants to the persons above mentioned, their associates, successors, and designated representatives, complete authority for the mentioned corporation, "The Blalock Mexico Colony" to exercise the powers and privileges of a corporation and for the purposes above mentioned and in accordance with the articles of incorporation.
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