In testimony whereof, is affixed the great seal and the signature of the Secretary of the Territory of Oklahoma, in Guthrie the 31st day of October nineteen hundred and two.

William Grimes
Secretary of the Territory of Oklahoma

Adopting By-Laws

At the eleventh meeting of the Blalock Mexico Colony held on November 15, 1902, at the Eaton Hall many important decisions were made. A committee was formed and charged with the responsibility of creating and printing a form that members could use to keep lists of items that they were taking to Mexico. The members assigned to this committee were; Mr. B. B. Talley, Mr. C. A. Stubbs, and Mr. G. B. Townsend. Additionally, about $11,000 was received from shareholders on this day and the new assistant secretary, Mr. M. L. Childers, and the colony treasurer, Mr. George T. Ingram, took responsibility for depositing the funds in the First National Bank.

Several new members were elected during the day. They included Jim Ewing, M. L. Miller, Ashley Taylor, F. W. Hubbard, E. A. Williams, F. R. Wileman, C. D. White, D. P. Cook, J. D. Cook, T. M. Waldrop, R. D. Mills, G. W. Grimes, F. P. Montgomery, J. A. Weir, L. R. Cobb, E. M. DeBerry, J. F. Stiewig, H. H. Stiewig, T. W. Medlin, and J. M. Medlin. Later that night the directors elected into membership J. P. Watts, J. L. Watts, R. E. Watts, J. E. Jackson, G. W. Doss, and J. P. Byrd.

The colony members also adopted by-laws. The preamble to the by-laws laid the foundation for and explained why these people were willing to risk so much. It reads, "Believing that we can better our condition socially, morally and financially by migrating to Mexico, we hereby form ourselves into an incorporated company for that purpose, and have procured a charter and adopted the following by-laws:"[7]

Article 1 branded the name of this new business partnership "The Blalock Mexico Colony."

Article 2 of the by-laws stated that this new corporation took as its objective, " purchase, colonize and develop lands and engage in stock raising in the Republic of Mexico." It would be lead by "...a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and a board of eleven directors." These officers would be elected annually by ballot as specified in Article 3.

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