Appendix E: 1903 Petition
Mr. Judge I petition: the naming of a translator that compares the original presented with the attached translation and once put into practice said comparison and send the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the “Blalock Mexico Colony” before the notary Licensed Manuel Borja Loriano to whom from today I assign for this task. To act with due diligence to act in free will it is justice that I ask for with the necessary I petition. Mexico 16 November 1903. ~Rafael Pardo~ Fancy signature.
Presented on the same date at 12:00 with the documents to which it refers. Recorded.–A signature. Mexico. November seventeenth, nineteen hundred and three.
He names expert checker to Mr. Antonio Soriano, who will know his appointment for the legal objectives. Made the checker and finished collating and collecting the rulings referred to in articles 455.- and-456.-of the Code of Civil Proceedings, with the basis of 1358.–of the law governing “protocolicense” [protocol license] these procedures in the ruling of the assigned Notary designating who shall provide testimony as are given under the law.
I request Mr. Second Civil Judge Francisco Diaz Lombardo, and signed. I testify F. diaz Lombardo. Edwardo Olnores. ~ Fancy signatures/
On the seventeenth of the same date, notified, Mr. Antonio Soriano said: the position of the expert who is vested and proclaim to perform the duties faithfully and that having the collation of the original and its translation that it is entirely correct and signed. I testify. Antonio Soriano Freyrior. ~ Fancy signature.
~ Number One Hundred twenty-four ~
In Mexico City the thirteenth of February of nineteen hundred and four, I the Licensed Notary Public, Manuel Boreja Soriano assisted by the witnesses Senores Graciano Rodriquez and Octavio B Barona, I state that on this date and completing the mandate of Second Civil Judge of this Capitol in the proceeding provided on the sixteenth of November past, I protocollized judicial proceedings containing the documents referring to the organization of the foreign society called the Blalock Mexico Colony.
Due diligence in thirty folio pages are added under the letter A at legal number One Hundred twenty-four of the appendix of this volume. The instrumental witnesses are twenty eight years olds, a bachelors, employed and residents of this Capital [Mexico City] with residence the first, in the house number ten on the street Puente de Carmen; the second lives in number three of the fourth street of Santa Maria de la Ribera.

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