Appendix E: 1903 Petition
Mexico, fourteenth of December nineteen hundred and three. Jose Algona- without a fancy signature.~ A blue seal that states: “Secretary of Exterior Relations. Mexico.”
In the margin No. 704. A seal that states: “Mexican Embassy in the United States of America.” The undersigned Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States in Washington.
I certify: that the corporation called the Blalock Mexico Colony is constituted and organized with conformity to the laws of the Territory of Oklahoma of the United States of America, according to evidence in the attached certificate of the legal incorporation of the company, issued by the appropriate authorities of the same State.
With conformity to that prepared in article 24 of the Code of Commerce of the United Mexican States of the 15 of September of 1889,-and at the request of interested parties I extend this in Washington the seventh of October of nineteen hundred and three. M. de Azpiroz.~ Fancy signature.~ A gold seal that states: “Mexican Embassy in the United States of America.
Taxes charged: $5.00-cinco pesos gold.
In the margin: Canceled stamps joined for value of four pesos ten centavos. ~
No. 1576. The undersigned Undersecretary of Exterior Relations. Certified: that Mr. Don M. de Azpiroz is the Mexican Ambassador in Washington and it is his signature that precedes. Mexico, fourteenth of December of nineteen hundred and three. Jose Algona. Fancy signature. A seal that states: “Secretary of Exterior Relations. Mexico.”
In Margin: Rafael Pardo and Agustin M. Lazo. Attorneys. Telephone N 1132 Cable Rapo: Don Celes Street N., Mexico City D.F. A canceled stamp of fifty centavos.
Second Civil Judge:
Rafael Pardo, for the Blalock Mexico Colony, before you respectfully exposed: That according to documents properly authenticated and translated into Spanish accompanying this petition of the Blalock Mexico Colony, of whom I am attorney general in this city, it was legally organized in Oklahoma Territory, United States of America, for the uses and purposes mentioned in the respective Articles of Incorporation Act and ensure that said Company has legal existence in the Republic and to comply with the disposed Article 24 of the Code of Commerce. To you

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