Appendix E: 1903 Petition
For the present, I certify the archives of this office demonstrate the E.E. McCollister was appointed and commissioned on the 29 of January 1901 as Notary Public in and for the County of Greer for a period of four years and that during this time he has be authorized by law to take documents.
In testimony of which I have signed and affixed the Grand Seal of the Territory on the date I first mentioned.
Signed: William Grimes, Secretary of the Territory of Oklahoma.
A golden seal that states: “Labor Omnia Vincit.”
Territory of Oklahoma.
Number 19,606
United States of America
Department of State
To all to whom this is presented will see,
I certify that the attached document is issued under the seal of the Territory of Oklahoma and deserves complete faith and credence.
This is testimony that I, John Hoy, Secretary of State of the United States, have signed my name and have sent it to have the seal of the Secretary of State made in the City of Washington, this day, 3 March A.D. of 1903 y one hundred and twenty-seven days since the independence of the United States. Signed ~John Hoy.~ A red seal that states: “Department of State. United States of America.”
In Margin No. 500. ~A seal that states: “Mexican Embassy in the United States of American.”- The undersigned, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary [a diplomat having full power or authority] of the United Mexican States in Washington. I Certify: that the Honorable John Hoy, is Secretary of State of the United States of America and his is the signature that appears in the attached document. Washington, the second of March of nineteen hundred and three. M. de Azpiroz. ~Fancy signature. A gold seal that states: “Mexican Embassy in the United States of America.” Tax charged $4.00 four pesos, gold of the United States of A.
In the margin: Canceled stamps joined for value of four pesos twenty centavos.~
No. 1577. The undersigned Undersecretary of Exterior Relations Certified: that Mr. Don M. de Azpiroz is the Mexican Ambassador in Washington and it is his signature that precedes.

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