Appendix G: George T. Ingram's Power of Attorney.
comparison and declared that the translation is true and accurate to the original and signed. Witnessed. O. B. Barona. P. Caballero. Fancy signature.
On the same day notified Mr. George T. Ingram, stated: he hears and signs. Witnessed. George T. Ingram. P, Gentleman. Fancy Signature.
Know all that may see that the Blalock Mexico Colony, Corporation legally organized on the thirty-first of October of nineteen hundred and two according to the laws of Oklahoma Territory, United States of America, in a board of directors meeting held the second of February of nineteen hundred and three, by unanimous vote, approved the following resolution: For the present resolves, that this Company confers general and all embracing power on the vice president of the same Mr. George T. Ingram, to represent the Company in the Republic of Mexico in all cases that may occur, and in particular those that refer to colonization: to acquire, mortgage and manage properties: to celebrate all sorts of contracts with private individuals or public authorities: to request and receive payments, sign documents, present applications and writings of any kind before any kind of authorities and courts: to replace conferred power and in general terms given whichever act or contract in favor of the Company, and especially to conclude the business that this has propagated by reference to the purchase of the Hacienda del Chamal, located in the State of Tamaulipas of that Republic. And also it is resolved that Mr. Jorge [sic, George in Spanish] E. Blalock President, and Mr. J. L. Sweet Secretary of the Company, may grant such a mandate setting the official seal of the Company and granting the representative the powers mentioned above.
And therefore this is expressed by the Blalock Mexico Colony in accordance with the aforesaid resolution, makes, constitutes and appoints and hereby names George T. Ingram its legal guardian in the Republic of México, to represent the company in accordance with the following powers:
FIRST:-To undertake and carry out all business that can present itself in said Republic, especially that which is related to the establishment or formation of agricultural or industrial colonies.
SECOND:-To to acquire properties, roots or furniture for the prices and under the conditions it deems appropriate to own them, administer them and possess the same properties to guarantee all or part of the price because they are acquired.

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