Appendix G: George T. Ingram's Power of Attorney.
THIRD:-To grant and award to particular individuals, federal authorities of the State or Municipalities of Mexico purchase contracts, exchange, pledge, mortgage, lease, provide services, organize civil or commercial companies, compromise, submit to arbitrators or conciliators, conclude contracts of colonization and dispossession of them.
FOURTH:-To demand and receive cash payment on any other property or securities and settle accounts.
FIFTH:-To sign under the powers previously given any deed or any other type of document.
SIXTH:-To introduce all sorts of applications before the Municipal, local or federal authorities and to obtain concessions for public or national land, mines, water rights, imports, exports, or solicitation of any other natural resource.
SEVENTH:-To present all types of writings and solicitations before upper and lower courts, be it federal, penal, civilian or mercantile in acts of voluntary, contentious or mixed jurisdiction.
EIGHTH:- To initiate and continue until conclusion all kinds of claims as actor, defendant, or third party, to discharge and articulate positions and present any kind of proof whatsoever, to bring the action of petition of any kind whatsoever, revoke contractual rule and to initiate appeal, nullification, liability, or habeas corpus, to ask for the implementation of proceedings and judgments; petition judges, clerks and experts, so they discontinue the principle action of the appeal or resources that have interposed.
NINTH:-To purchase from the Banco Internacional é Hipotecario de México, the Hacienda Chamal, located in the municipality of Santa Bárbara, District of the same name, State of Tamaulipas for the price of one hundred thousand Mexican pesos, of which sixty-five thousand have already been paid and the balance of thirty-five thousand pesos mortgaging the property mentioned for a period of two years at nine percent interest per year, empowering the representative to sign the deed for the clauses and stipulations that are necessary and that he thinks should be established.
TENTH:-To perform contracts with the Federal Government or with those of States, yield in favor of them or of the persons to whom they designate the lots of the Hacienda Chamal that is convenient or necessary to transfer to carry out the colonization that the Company intends to establish in the Republic of Mexico.

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