Appendix G: George T. Ingram's Power of Attorney.
ELEVENTH:- It also entitles Mr. George T. Ingram to be awarded for shareholders of the
Blalock Mexico Colony, to be established as settlers on the Hacienda Chamal, lots of land on the property, giving and signing the public deeds or any other documents that is legally necessary to transfer the lots for the settlers expressed.
TWELFTH:- To replace this power in all or in part, conferring special powers, authorized to revoke or replace granted powers.
Testimony of which and of conformity with the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Blalock Mexico Colony passed the 2nd day of February of nineteen hundred and three, signed by the present placing the seal of the company, today 3rd day of February of nineteen hundred and three. Signed George E. Blalock, President. Signed J. L. Sweet Secretary. A gold seal that states the Blalock Mexico Colony. Constituted October 31, 1902.
Today 3rd day of February of nineteen hundred and three, personally appeared before me Mr. George E. Blalock, and J. L. Sweet, who I attest to know and after submitted and sworn stated: that they are respectively the President and Secretary of the Blalock Mexico Colony:-that the mandate I gave earlier by order of the Board of Directors and with that end placed the official seal of the Corporation and I the Notary also certify that I have seen the act of the Board of Directors of said Company in which approving the resolution that is inserted in the previous document, and I also certify that the members of said Board, are authorized to take this resolution of accordance by the prescribed by-laws of the Company. Signed E. E. McCollester Notary Public in and for the County of Greer Territory of Oklahoma, my commission expires the 29th of February of nineteen hundred and five. A red seal made of that Notary. Territory of Oklahoma, Office of the Secretary Guthrie Oklahoma, February 10, 1903.
For the present I certify that the archives of this office prove that E. E. McCollister was deliberately named and authorized as Notary Public in and for the County of Greer Oklahoma the 29th day of January of 1901, for the term of four years unless revoked with cause and that the 3rd day of February of nineteen hundred and three, he was justly authorized and qualified to act as Notary. In testimony of which I have put my signature and placed the Great Seal of the Territory on the date already mentioned. Signed William Grimes, Secretary Territory of Oklahoma. A gold seal of Territory made.
Number 19313-United States of America-A Coat of Arms of the Nation. Department of State. To all who are presented-see greetings: I certify that the annexed document is granted under the seal of the Territory of Oklahoma and should be given full faith and credit. In Testimony of

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