Appendix G: George T. Ingram's Power of Attorney.
which I John Hay [sic, Hoy] Secretary of State of the United States, have placed my name and have sent it to have placed the seal of the Department of State. Done in the City of Washington, today thirteenth day of February of the year of our Lord of nineteen hundred and three and one hundred and twenty-six of the Independence of the United States of America. Signed John Hay [sic, Hoy]. A red seal of the Department of State of the United States of America, with the National Coat of Arms.
A seal that states Mexican Embassy in the United States of America. No.486. The undersigned, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America in Washington, Certifies: that the Honorable John Hay [sic, Hoy] is the Secretary of State in the United States of America and it is his signature that appears on this attached document. Washington, the thirteenth of February of nineteen hundred and three. M. de Aspíroz. Fancy signature. A seal enhanced in gold that states: Mexican Embassy in the United States of America.
In the margin: Fees charged ($4.00/100) four gold dollars of the United States of A. No.2370. The undersigned Deputy Secretary of External Relations. México.
In the margin stamps worth four pesos viente centavos duly cancelled.
Number fourteen. In the City of Mexico, on the twenty-fourth of February of nineteen hundred and three, I the Notary Public Mr. Manuel Borja Soriano, assisted witnesses Mr. Graciano Rodriquez and Enrique Rojas Martinez, I note: that on this date and complied with the mandate of the second Civil Judge of this Capitol in factual proceedings envisaged yesterday, protocolized the judicial proceedings that contain the power conferred by the Blalock Mexico Colony represented by its President and Secretary in favor of Mr. George T. Ingram.
Said business in ten folios, are aggregated under the letter A of the file number fourteen of the Appendix of this volume of Protocol.
The attesting witnesses are: the first, of twenty-seven years of age, employed with residence in house number 15 on Chavarría Street and the second of twenty-one years of age, student and living in house number one of the first street of Indio Triste: both bachelors, and neighbors of this Capitol. Read this report witnesses signed it and I the Notary authorized it on the day of its date in México remain as they are attached the original power.
Stamps worth two pesos on every sheet. I attest. Graciano Rodriquez. Enrique Rojas Martínez.

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